Sunday, October 15, 2006


I seemed to have missed four and five months, but here is my six month picture. Baby "Muffin", as Cammie likes to call the baby, is doing well. Muffin especially likes to dance at night and enjoys it when daddy chases him/her with his hand.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Best looking Baby ever

So, we had our first ultrasound yesterday. Great fun except that you have to drink lots of water and then you have to wait. Wait, wait, wait while your bladder is more full than ever intended. More waiting...painful...I know it sounds silly...I will be giving birth in six months and I find a full bladder painful. All women who have ever given birth are collectively laughing at me. So, I am in pain and just about to go and ask how much longer it will be because I am pretty darn near to exploding when the ultrasound tech, also named Jenn, comes to get me. Yes!! So I lay down on the table, she scrubs my tummy, unusually large because of my full bladder, and begins the task at hand. She stops. What is the problem you ask? My bladder is too full. No one really needed to tell me this. I can feel how full it is. What is the solution? Well, dear Jenn the tech cheerfully tells me to go and release a bit. Release a bit!!???!! Are you kidding???!!!?? She smiles and informs me I am allowed two Dixie cups worth and I will find the cups in the bathroom. She tells me I should get a fair amount of relief from the two cups. But really, how much relief can one get from stopping mid-stream. I would kind of like to relieve her at the moment. I stiffly walk to the bathroom...that's right, you can't walk properly when your bladder is two Dixie cups too full.. and find the cups just as she predicted. I manage the impossible task. I am a champion. Next comes the fun part. Dave and I see Baby. There is no denying Baby is alive and well, actively waving arms and doing flips. We see the nose, the hands, the arms, the legs, the tummy....even the sweetest little bum! I feel at peace. My baby is well and I am two Dixie cups emptier AND I am given permission to empty completely. The world is a great place.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Growth Spurt

Five weeks..

Eight weeks....

Twelve weeks...

To be continued.....

Monday, July 03, 2006

Samaritan's Purse

I'm thankful that I work for an organization that forces me not to ignore the plight of the needy around the world. It is so easy for us, living in Canada, in Alberta in particular, to desensitize ourselves to those that are hurting across the globe. It seems so distant, so foreign....and we wrestle with the question of what we can do about it anyway. So, I am thankful that my job forces me to be in contact with the very people that are struggling to make ends meet. It forces me to hear stories and look at pictures of children starving, people struggling as their homes are distroyed in an instant, parents separated from their children, and civilians caught in a constant state of war. I am blessed as I see and hear of people in action, doing the little they can to make this world a better place. They bring food to the hungry, shelter those with no home, care for the orphans, provide clean water to the thirsty, and ultimately, share the true hope that can only be found in Jesus. I am thankful that we all have the opportunity to do this in our own unique way. May God open our eyes to see how He wants to use us.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Date Night

Yesterday I was the one that was a student for a change. I went to a clergy spouse seminar put on by Dave's school. It was pretty good but there was a lot of information for six hours and we didn't really have the opportunity to look deeply into any of the topics. I had to laugh at the teacher though when she was speaking about the uniqueness of being a clergy spouse and relating that one doesn't really see anyone holding seminars for plumber's wives. Good point. One thing she said really stuck with me. It may seem rather simple, but it is something that I hope to remind myself of.

1. I cannot do everything everybody expects me to.

2. I cannot do everything I expect myself to.

3. I can do everything God expects me to.

Last night Dave and I also went on a date night. We were blessed last month by a kind and generous soul who wanted to provide us with a chance to go on a great date without the guilty feeling of spending money. Last night we had that guilt-free date. We went to the Reef and Beef (thanks to Sarah and Dave for telling us about it). It was great; seventies decor and eighties prices....what more could you ask for? I had french onion soup to start, followed by a ceasar salad (seriously, where else can you go and get soup and salad included with your meal?) and then the main course of a great big, juicey steak, stuffed potato, veggies and garlic toast. I was stuffed. I couldn't even finish it.....luckily they wrapped up my remaining steak in a tin foil swan. Classy.
We finished off the night by renting Pride and Prejudice and drinking tea. It was great!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Happy Friday

Okay, so I am slacking off again. Maybe I should make this process a little more realistic for say a blog a week and then a few surprises here and there? I think I could do that.
I'm glad the weekend is finally here. It was one of those weeks that seem to have three Wednesdays. I think weeks that follow long weekends always seem especially long. Get us out of the five and two structure and we don't know what to do!
I think I need to spice up my cubicle. Any ideas? Something fun but still appropriate. Silly but calming. Trendy but real.
I thought I would include a picture in my blog today. This is not because this picture has any particular significance for today's blog, but because I am trying to branch out and try new things. Let's see if this works. Peace out peeps.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Its Me Again!

For those of you that have been missing me, I thought I would put together a few words to keep you on your toes. Thank you to the faithful that have been continually checking my blog to see if I finally wrote something (Sarah, you may be the only one). I'm performing the perverbial leaf turning today. I have great plans to continue blogging and make this place a friendlier place for all. Stay on your toes faithful few! There is more to come.....